Get a strategy that sticks

Lantern’s Roadmap Framework is designed to guide you through the fog of marketing challenges. No more guesswork. Just a straightforward, effective path to save you time and energy in your marketing.


Align goals, fast

Simple and effective

Stay focused

Many marketers are good at what they do — but feel unsure about the best path forward.

Confusion is costing you more than you think. Our roadmap process helps you connect the dots so everything aligns towards your goals.

That helps you save time and get you better results.

Have a roadmap is the difference between wandering around and knowing exactly where you’re going.


The Lantern Process helps marketers choose the right tools, strategies they need to cut out the confusion and get better results.

Ready to kick confusion to the curb? Here’s how it works…

The Roadmap process helps you pick your focus, build a plan, and stick with it… until you reach your goals.

The Lantern Roadmap:
6 Steps to Simplify Growth

  • 1. Define Your Audience

    Find Your Ideal Clients Easily

    Clarify who you're serving to reach those who need your services most. By focusing on the right people, you maximize your impact and attract clients who are hungry for your help.

  • 2. Design Your Offer

    Create Irresistible Service Packages

    Confusion stops clients in their tracks. Simplify and refine your service packages to make them irresistible. Then maximize your revenue with a perfect-fit offer.

  • 3. Develop Your Message

    Stand out and communicate Your Value

    Crafting a compelling brand message is essential for standing out. Develop a clear, consistent message that resonates with your audience and makes it easier for them to say yes.

  • 4. Map Your Method

    Streamline Your Service Delivery

    Map out a clear, efficient process for delivering your services. Your streamlined method ensures a smooth client experience, increasing satisfaction, results, and referrals.

  • 5. Create Your Collateral

    Capture and convert high-quality leads

    Create simple, yet effective assets to support your brand message. High-quality materials help build trust and credibility, making it easier for potential clients to choose you.

  • 6. Launch & Celebrate

    Build momentum and redefine success

    Launching your new package should be exciting and rewarding. Look forward to getting more and better clients. We'll help you stay on track to launch and optimize for long term success.

“Josh's unique ability is blending creativity and operational excellence. He brings those two pieces together and that's where the magic happens.”

Evan Cox Consulting

Working with Josh connects you with 15+ years of experience selling, managing, and delivering high-end professional services via remote teams.


Transform your business, one step at a time.

I know what it feels like to struggle with business challenges alone. That's why I offer coaching programs that are tailored to meet you right where you are in your journey.

With 15 years of experience working online and with remote teams, I’ve faced the unique challenges of building, growing, and scaling your services online. Along the way, I made plenty of mistakes. Coaching gives you access to a wealth of lessons and strategies of what works, so you can move faster and be successful without spending years figuring it out by yourself.

Let’s customize your plan and give you a clear path to growing on purpose.